Ticket Spent: | 0efed7ee62638b4b420f93f4bc8da26583740475fda5bc5cc288dfd79fdc9f05 | ||
Raw Tx: | decoded · hex | Time: | 2022-09-28 15:03:53 (UTC) |
Version: | 1 | Rate: | 0 DCR/kB |
Size: | 345 B |
# | Previous Outpoint | Addresses | Block | DCR |
0 | Stakebase | N/A | created |
1 | 0efed7ee62638b4b420f93f4bc8da26583740475fda5bc5cc288dfd79fdc9f05:0 | DsbL15dufa4gm1MMoUztBwroW1TrnY68VzP | 697543 |
# | Address |
Type | VersionVer | Spent | DCR |
0 |
OP_RETURN c822c8039bc597e14b883d169d262169820afde08121564c000000000000000034a70a00
nulldata | 0 | n/a |
1 |
OP_RETURN ab0009000000
nulldata | 0 | n/a |
2 | DsnUqM2pHBv97EovGbpthK1WuSmpf1JSoUH | stakegen | 0 | true |
Last Block Valid: true
Version: 9 | Bits: 0x00ab
Issue ID | Issue Description | Choice ID | Choice Description |
reverttreasurypolicy | Change maximum treasury expenditure policy as defined in DCP0007 | no | keep the existing consensus rules |
explicitverupgrades | Enable explicit version upgrades as defined in DCP0008 | no | keep the existing consensus rules |
autorevocations | Enable automatic ticket revocations as defined in DCP0009 | no | keep the existing consensus rules |
changesubsidysplit | Change block reward subsidy split to 10/80/10 as defined in DCP0010 | no | keep the existing consensus rules |