Parameter | Value | Description |
GenesisBlock | 0 | First block of the chain |
PremineBlock | 1 | Premine Block of the chain |
PowLimitBits | 486604799 bits | Highest allowed proof of work value for a block in compact form |
ReduceMinDifficulty | false | Whether the network should reduce the minimum required difficulty after a long enough period of time has passed without finding a block |
MinDiffReductionTime | 0s | Amount of time after which the minimum required difficulty should be reduced when a block hasn't been found |
GenerateSupported | false | Whether or not CPU mining is allowed |
MaximumBlockSize | 393216 bytes | Maximum size of a block that can be generated on the network |
MaxTxSize | 393216 bytes | Largest allowable transaction size |
WorkDiffAlpha | 1 | Stake difficulty EMA calculation alpha (smoothing) value |
WorkDiffWindowSize | 144 blocks | Number of windows (intervals) used for calculation of the exponentially weighted average |
WorkDiffWindows | 20 | Number of windows (intervals) used for calculation of the exponentially weighted average |
TargetTimespan | 12h 0m | Amount of time that should elapse before the block difficulty requirement is examined to determine how it should be changed in order to maintain the desired block generation rate |
TargetTimePerBlock | 5m 0s | The desired amount of time to generate each block |
RetargetAdjustmentFactor | 4 | Adjustment factor used to limit the minimum and maximum amount of adjustment that can occur between difficulty retargets |
AcceptNonStdTxs | false | Mempool param to either accept and relay non standard txs to the network or reject them |
Parameter | Value | Description |
BaseSubsidy |
Starting subsidy amount for mined blocks |
MulSubsidy | 100 | Subsidy reduction multiplier |
DivSubsidy | 101 | Subsidy reduction divisor |
SubsidyReductionInterval | 6144 blocks | Reduction interval in blocks |
WorkRewardProportion | 60% | Comparative amount of the subsidy given for creating a block |
StakeRewardProportion | 30% | Comparative amount of the subsidy given for casting stake votes (collectively, per block) |
BlockTaxProportion | 10% | Inverse of the percentage of funds for each block to allocate to the developer organization |
Parameter | Value | Description |
MinimumStakeDiff | 2 DCR |
Minimum amount of Atoms required to purchase a stake ticket |
TicketPoolSize | 8192 (40960 actual) | Target size of ticket pool. (actual ticket count = TicketPoolSize x TicketsPerBlock) |
TicketsPerBlock | 5 | Average number of tickets per block for Decred PoS |
TicketMaturity | 256 blocks | Number of blocks for tickets to mature |
TicketExpiry | 40960 blocks | Number of blocks for tickets to expire after they have matured |
CoinbaseMaturity | 256 blocks | Number of blocks required before newly mined coins (coinbase transactions) can be spent |
SStxChangeMaturity | 1 blocks | Maturity for spending SStx change outputs |
TicketPoolSizeWeight | 4 | Multiplicative weight applied to the ticket pool size difference between a window period and its target when determining the stake system |
StakeDiffAlpha | 1 | stake difficulty EMA calculation alpha (smoothing) value |
StakeDiffWindowSize | 144 blocks | Number of blocks used for each interval in exponentially weighted average |
StakeDiffWindows | 20 windows | Number of windows (intervals) used for calculation of the exponentially weighted average |
StakeVersionInterval | 2016 blocks | Interval where the stake version is calculated |
MaxFreshStakePerBlock | 20 tickets | Maximum number of new tickets that may be submitted per block |
StakeEnabledHeight | 512 | Height in which the first ticket could possibly mature |
StakeValidationHeight | 4096 | Height at which votes (SSGen) are required to add a new block to the top of the blockchain |
StakeBaseSigScript | 0000 | Consensus stakebase signature script for all votes on the network |
StakeMajorityMultiplier | 3 | Calculate the super majority of stake votes using integer math |
StakeMajorityDivisor | 4 | Calculate the super majority of stake votes using integer math |
Parameter | Value | Description |
TreasuryVoteInterval | 288 | How frequently a TSpend transaction is allowed in a block (see standalone.IsTreasuryVoteInterval) |
TreasuryVoteIntervalMultiplier | 12 | Multiplier to TreasuryVoteInterval to calculate Expiry (see standalone.CalcTSpendWindow) |
TreasuryVoteQuorumMultiplier | 1 | Numerator of the TSpend vote quorum percentage (see CheckTSpendHasVotes) |
TreasuryVoteQuorumDivisor | 5 | Divisor of the TSpend vote quorum percentage (see CheckTSpendHasVotes) |
TreasuryVoteRequiredMultiplier | 3 | Numerator of the required votes percentage (see CheckTSpendHasVotes) |
TreasuryVoteRequiredDivisor | 5 | Divisor of the required votes vote quorum percentage (see CheckTSpendHasVotes) |
TreasuryExpenditureWindow | 2 | The number of TreasuryVoteInterval*TreasuryVoteIntervalMultiplier windows that define a single expenditure window (see maxTreasuryExpenditure) |
TreasuryExpenditurePolicy | 6 | The number of previous TreasuryExpenditureWindows that defines how far back to calculate the average expenditure of the treasury for an expenditure policy check (see maxTreasuryExpenditure) |
TreasuryExpenditureBootstrap | 1600000000000 | Default previous average expenditure when there are no treasury spends inside the entire window defined by TreasuryExpenditurePolicy |
Parameter | Value | Description |
RuleChangeActivationQuorum | 4032 | Number of votes required for a vote to take effect |
RuleChangeActivationMultiplier | 3 | |
RuleChangeActivationDivisor | 4 | |
RuleChangeActivationInterval | 8064 blocks | Number of blocks in each threshold state retarget window |
BlockEnforceNumRequired | 750 blocks | Enforce current block version once network has upgraded |
BlockRejectNumRequired | 950 blocks | Reject previous block versions once network has upgraded |
BlockUpgradeNumToCheck | 1000 blocks | The number of nodes to check |
Address | Prefix | Description |
NetworkAddressPrefix | D | First letter of the network for any given address encoded as a string |
PubKeyAddrID | Dk | P2PK address |
PubKeyHashAddrID | Ds | P2PKH address prefix. Standard wallet address. 1 public key -> 1 private key |
PKHEdwardsAddrID | De | Ed25519 P2PKH address prefix |
PKHSchnorrAddrID | DS | secp256k1 Schnorr P2PKH address prefix |
ScriptHashAddrID | Dc | P2SH address prefix |
PrivateKeyID | Pm | WIF private key prefix |
HDPrivateKeyID | dprv | HD extended private key prefix |
HDPublicKeyID | dpub | HD extended public key prefix |