Ticket Spent: | 0bc79be45024f985d2466dc24019c696c6214abc019bfd5f53d836ca3194487b | ||
Raw Tx: | decoded · hex | Time: | 2024-05-29 16:05:44 (UTC) |
Version: | 1 | Rate: | 0 DCR/kB |
Size: | 344 B |
# | Previous Outpoint | Addresses | Block | DCR |
0 | Stakebase | N/A | created |
1 | 0bc79be45024f985d2466dc24019c696c6214abc019bfd5f53d836ca3194487b:0 | DsZuJYskVjSnw5sbGtKwe8JF1CXCdBSszqf | 871810 |
# | Address |
Type | VersionVer | Spent | DCR |
0 |
OP_RETURN 022f25433b855cd7272181cd9a6bf40656ec144d7ab952b6a0c06dfeca77fc2112550d00
nulldata | 0 | n/a |
1 |
OP_RETURN 01000a000000
nulldata | 0 | n/a |
2 | DsVvR7UuxmLFVbJjS3VT2E1DD4NjN2HynhL | stakegen | 0 | true |
Last Block Valid: true
Version: 10 | Bits: 0x0001
Issue ID | Issue Description | Choice ID | Choice Description |
blake3pow | Change proof of work hashing algorithm to BLAKE3 as defined in in DCP0011 | abstain | abstain voting for change |
changesubsidysplitr2 | Change block reward subsidy split to 1/89/10 as defined in DCP0012 | abstain | abstain voting for change |